What Can We Do?
All around the world, Jews are broken-hearted over the horrific massacres in Israel. We are reeling from the terrible news of our brothers and sisters being held hostage and the thousands of rockets being fired towards our cities.
What can we do?
Our Sages teach us that the world stands on three things: Torah, Avodah, and Gemiluth Chassadim.
- Torah is our lifeblood. Torah scholars are an integral part of any Jewish army, no less than the soldiers themselves. We can all work to bolster our Torah study, whether by attending local learning programs or pursuing personal study goals. Stay tuned for a new What’s App group with daily short audio clips of the Laws of Proper Speech. Mrs. Grossman is also available for any women who would like a one-on-one study partner for this topic.
IDF Soldier's Request
- Avodah means connecting with G-d through prayer. Throughout our history, when faced with those who wished to destroy us, the Jewish People have turned to the untold power of prayer. Special prayer gatherings at our Torah Center, in other local venues, and all around the world have united the Jewish People. But we can pray anytime and anywhere - using a Siddur, a book of Tehillim (Psalms), or our own heartfelt words. Some recommended chapters to recite: 20, 79, 80, 85, 121, 130.
- Gemiluth Chassadim, or acts of kindness, provides spiritual protection - which can save lives. We can also offer direct physical help by donating Tzedakah to people in need. L.I.T.N. is running a fundraising campaign to help support our soldiers and to assist those who have been impacted by this tragedy. Use the donate button below to learn about the campaign and help support our brothers and sisters in Israel.
May G-d in His mercy speedily put an end to all suffering and bring us the Final Redemption.