Lulav and Etrog
The "Four Species" are four plants, known in Hebrew as etrog, haddassim, aravot and lulav - citron, myrtle, willow and palm. The Four Species are mentioned in the Torah as part of the observance of the holiday of Sukkos. They are lifted together and waved up, down and in all four directions, each day of the holiday (except Shabbat).
The Torah calls the etrog, "pri etz hadar" - the fruit of a beautiful tree. For this reason, Jews throughout the ages have gone out of their way to obtain exceptionally beautiful specimens of the Four Species. To order your set of Four Species, please use the form below. Our provider is Rabbi Yosef Singer of Kew Gardens, NY, who has over three decades of experience in the field. Sets are selected and graded by quality, ranging in price from $49 - to $120. Sets will be delivered to Huntington on Wednesday afternoon, September 27. To schedule a pickup, or for any other questions, please email [email protected]. |